CNC compound profile throw away milling cutter (HSC)
(For high precision profile machining)
Type of material  K10/HUF10/NUB10Z/MU11/PU40/NUA71/SUA81/PUA121/PUA1220/VUA221/ASP60C/SKH57A/VWA221/SKH4C(stainless higspeesteel) /VWA441/VWA431

Throw away helical end facer
T-profile throw away facer
Direction E
Forming surface of combined mill’s milling
Forming surface of profile mill’s milling
Zoom in PartX
Cutter body
Cutter bit
Throw away core milling blade, profile cutting tool and mould, fitting A
Throw away core milling blade, profile cutting tool and mould, fitting B
★ We can produce speci+al, compound, specil-shaped super-large, super-small, super-long combined profile series of cutters according to requirements of drawings, samples, and size tolerance.

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