Hole machining tooling
◆ Measures to eliminate machining fault of solid drill bits, brazing drill bits
Faults Causes Causes

Inappropriate cutting speed
If abnormal wear happens with central part, increase cutting speed by 10% in standard conditions.
If abnormal wear happens with cylinder, decrease cutting speed by 10% in standard conditions.
Improper cutting fluid
Confirm whether filter device is suitable (suitable for #150 reticulation filter)
Use cutting fluid with good lubrication property (increase dilution times)
Margin Inappropriate cutting speed
Decrease cutting speed by 10%
Regrinding is not in time, regrinding volume is not enough
Advance regrinding time
The rigidity of machine tools, work pieces is not enough
Change to clamping method with enough rigidity
The rigidity of drill bit is not enough
Try to shorten overhanging volume of drill bit
Improper cutting fluid
Confirm whether filter device is suitable)
Use cutting fluid with good lubrication property (increase dilution times)
Discontinued cutting when cutting-in and drilling through.
Make the cut-in surface, drill-through plane level.
Decrease cut-in feeding, drill-through feeding by about 50%

Chisel edge
(central part
of drill bit's
cutting edge)

The rigidity of drill bit is not enough
Try to shorten overhanging volume of drill bit
When feeding is at the side of lower limit in standard cutting conditions, increase cut-in feedingp
Before drilling, use drill bit bush, center drill bit to drilling center hole
The rigidity of machine tools and work pieces is not enough
Change to clamping method with enough rigidity
Improper cut-in surface

Mark cut-in plane level

Tooling material is too hard
High hardness of work pieces
Decrease feeding by 10%
Improper passivation
onfirm whether chamfer passivation reaches the central part of cutting edge
Radial cutting edge The rigidity of drill bit is not enough

ecrease the drilling speed by 10%l

When feeding is at the side of lower limit in standard cutting conditions, increase cut-in feeding
Insufficient installation precision of drill bit
Confirm deflection precision when installing drill bit; (under 0.03mm)
The rigidity of machine tools, work pieces is not enough

Change to clamping method with enough rigidity

Decrease cut-in feeding and drill bit-through feeding
Improper passivation
Confirm whether passivation chamfer reaches the cylindrical part of cutting edge
Margin The rigidity of machine tools, work pieces is not enough

Change to clamping method with enough rigidity

The rigidity of drill bit is not enough

Try to shorten overhanging volume of drill bit

Use drill bit bush and center drill bit to process drill bit center hole before drilling.
Regrinding is not in time, regrinding volume is not enough
dvance regrinding time
Discontinued cutting when cutting-in and drilling through.

Make the cut-in surface,drilling-through plane level.

Decrease cut-in feeding, drill bit-through feeding by about 50%
Breaking Easy to produce edge chipping and abnormal wear
Confirm whether passivation chamfer reaches the cylindrical part of cutting edge
Chip jammed
Cutting speed is low
Cutting edge is not sharp
Tooling material is not appropriate
Insufficient rigidity of machine tools

Mark cut-in plane level

Tooling material is too hard
Bad hole precision
The rigidity of machine tools, work pieces is not enough
Change to clamping method with enough rigidity
Insufficient installation precision of drill bit
Confirm deflection precision when installing drill bit; (under 0.03mm)
Chip jammed
Restudy cutting conditions
Increase output pressure of cutting fluid
Adopting stepping drilling
Improper grinding precision
Confirm accuracy to profile of drill bit point
Elongated chip Improper cutting conditions
ncrease feeding by 10% in standard conditions
Improper passivation
Make appropriate passivation
Small and large edge chipping happen with cutting edge
Decrease drilling speed by 10%

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